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thedjin3 karma

Hi Heather! I've got a couple of questions:

Is there a distinction between any sounds and words? Like pet-peeves? Spoken words are sounds, so I'm wondering if it's related to the sound, the meaning of the word, or both.

Are universally-hated sounds also classified into misophonia? Like screeching chalk on a blackboard?

Eating noises. Oh. My. Dear. Lawd. Is there treatment for misophonia or is it one of those "oh, so that's what is called" and you treat the anxiety, stress, etc..?

[turns out there were 3 questions]

thedjin-6 karma

Did Dr. West envision the current and future huge amount of space pollution and obscene number of satellites in orbit? Could there be a more efficient way to have a GPS with less of that clutter?