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thechairinfront20 karma

I believe a portion of this fight is being fought not just on your computer, but on your cars and other smart devices. I believe John Deere was leading the fight to keep farmers and non John Deere licensed people from working on their own equipment. It's going the same way with cars, you can't work on some without some stupid expensive software/hardware. The claim has been that while you may own the vehicle they still own the software.

This may have been decided in the courts already. I haven't kept track of it over the past few years so excuse my ignorance if it has.

thechairinfront7 karma

I spent quite some time during the winters out on the lakes ice fishing. I'm familiar with when I should and shouldn't go out but what should I do in the event of falling through or someone else falling through? Generally you have less than 3 minutes before someone succumbs to hypothermia.