Highest Rated Comments

thecatalyticmind535 karma

I'm still alive! I was freed from the electric zoo. Now I'm enjoying my weekend at a friend's house. But, I do feel the urge to maintain my internet fame. Just... one... more... reply! AHH I CANT RESIST!

thecatalyticmind415 karma

The security guards around here might as well be zombies. Zippin around in their golf carts, giving people that squinted, duckfaced stare.

thecatalyticmind295 karma

Not pissed, but intoxicated. They were just happy to be able to return to their party.

thecatalyticmind292 karma

I'm a fan of hanging myself from the edge of "Big Joe" (electric lift thing) and pretending I alt-F4'd (CMD-Q, for you mac users) myself. Enter store: "Ah, shit he killed himself. This is going to be expensive."

thecatalyticmind266 karma

I understand your position, and I forgive you. :]

They've never given me any problems except that one time when I wanted to play some drunken frisbee in the parking structure.