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thebud32129 karma

nice try Trebek

thebud322 karma

Where are the best bagels and why cant anyone outside the tri-state are replicate them?

thebud322 karma

what do you think of nate silver and his fivethirtyeight team

thebud322 karma

Ha, that is a funny concept. As a New York Jew ( I think this makes you very qualified) where is your favorite bagel place in NYC?

thebud321 karma

Recently for a Uni project I crafted a recommendation report on this very subject. It is a very interesting concept, however many educators were against this concept and were specifically against GLASS in the classroom. It should be noted that teachers were also vehemently against laptops and iPads five years ago.

With little to zero empirical evidence regarding wearables in higher ed it was a difficult project. I concluded or really speculated that the current item most fit for evolving education practices in higher ed ( Blended learning, flipped classroom, gamification, etc.) was the smartwatch. It has vitals trackers for engagement levels as well as a controllable single screen.

An innovative professor I interviewed has a very interesting concept i did not see elsewhere, the MEEC. Below is a great article explaining his teaching methods.
