Highest Rated Comments

thebigmack68 karma

Hi Mr Roberts! I'm curious about the levels of visual customization for the player ships/avatars in Star Citizen. Games that let me be creative, really amp up the immersion for me. Thanks for doing the AMA and good luck with SC!

thebigmack17 karma

Hi Graham! What part of Canada did you visit in your adventure? Was there not much down time spent in north america because of all the travelling you would had to do? (Assuming it had to be quick travelling)

thebigmack2 karma

Not much unfortunately. My surgeon did what he could and knew that my chest would regress if they attempted a full fix, so they stuck with the goal to relieve the pressure on my heart. He was fantastic and well practiced in the technique. I think it's the best it could be, and as far as I can tell an improvement for my health (finally getting around to having that looked into - fingers crossed). The hard part is accepting it, as I was invested in the full cosmetic fix too. It hurts to hear of someone else having trouble with this stuff. If I could give any helpful perspective, is that this doesn't have to effect how we feel about ourselves and we're stronger for going through the process. I'm hoping the best for ya!

thebigmack2 karma

Me too! I had mine in January but it wasn't a complete correction :S. The bottom half is still sunken from my sternum not being long enough to support a full correction. Now I'm worried the odds are stacked against me.

thebigmack2 karma

Right on. From what I've heard, usually indexes 6 or more are in the area of things affecting heart function or lung capacity. Under 6 is mostly affects cosmetic appearance.