Highest Rated Comments

thealbinorhino5041957 karma

What are the calls you most enjoy getting? Not from an emotional or fulfilling perspective, but like "oh man, this'll be an easy $100".

thealbinorhino504118 karma

Fair. Are you ever in any danger from wasps, or with your experience and gear do you feel pretty confident in handling them?

thealbinorhino50418 karma

Do you think my cat has some allergy I don't know about or is she just sick?

thealbinorhino5049 karma

My man. Thank you.

thealbinorhino5048 karma

I could probably Google this, but sometimes I have trouble picking older locks (usually house doors) where the pins seem jammed or gummy. I have to put more force into lifting a pin than I feel comfortable doing without bending a pick. How do you handle that? Do you spray WD-40 inside the lock or something? I'm just a hobbyist, not a pro. Only pick locks I own or got permission for.