Highest Rated Comments

theOmnipotentKiller8 karma

As someone who knows nothing about the Great Zoo of China, can you tell what is special about this book?

theOmnipotentKiller1 karma

Where did the idea for the Jack West series originate from? PS Big fan!

theOmnipotentKiller1 karma

If you had to take a vacation where would you go? Which grave would you first visit - Jesus or Genghis Khan?

theOmnipotentKiller1 karma

Thanks for answering!!!

theOmnipotentKiller1 karma

Hi and thank you for doing this AMA Dr. Thaller!

I am a high school student looking to pursue a research career in Astronomy. Having been taught by many Indian astronomy and astrophysics profs, I realize that the field of Binary Stars is not simple. I am curious of which is the most complex star system ( of binaries ) you have seen. Out of what I have been taught it is Castor from Gemini.

And also your go-to Messier/your favorite Astrophotograph?

PS I love the Astronomy picture of the day topic on the NASA website