Highest Rated Comments

theDinoSour2 karma

Thank you very much for your reply.

She does have control over medical/mental health decisions but due to the concern there, the journal suggestion could be a great tool/strategy.

Again, very much appreciate this input!

theDinoSour1 karma

I had focal onset epilepsy when I was 13, was on carbamazepine for 2-3 yrs before stopping the medicine and was seizure free for 20 yrs with no meds.

The epilepsy returned 5 yrs ago when I was 33 and I've been controlling it with lamotrigine.

Do you know what may trigger it to return like that?


theDinoSour1 karma

No problem Cherry, I appreciate the response. I'll take a look at the info you suggested.

theDinoSour1 karma

Can you provide some suggestions as to how to provide a safe environment where kids can be vulnerable to ask questions and honestly describe how they feel with each parent?

I recently started seeing someone that is admittedly in a high conflict co-parenting situation and it is affecting the kids, one more so than the other. She mentions that it seems like her older son (9yo) is afraid to talk about it out of fear of retaliation from the other parent. She mentions the older child's personality more resembles her own and the ex treats him differently.

I've always had a very amiable and productive co-parenting relationship with my ex so I have no experience with this. Although I know I am there to mainly listen, I still have this urge to try and support her more with some ideas. She mentions that previous attempts to provide professional counseling seemed to add its own layer of stress for the child. What are some next steps in a situation like that?