Highest Rated Comments

theDaveB669 karma

You can follow him on goodreads and see what he has read.

Edit: Try this link https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/23470.Bill_Gates

Edit 2: My first award!

theDaveB8 karma

So what’s life like at a global tech company? I use to for a big supermarket in the uk, both in the distribution centre and in store (a store that does deliveries) and just found it too frustrating to work for. Every idea I had to help us work better/easier was just met with “that’s not the [name of company] way”.

theDaveB2 karma

How is the floating dollar trick done?

theDaveB2 karma

When you open one of them Green cabinets on the side of the road, how the hell do you know what’s what?