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thatoneguystephen76 karma

My grandad was a BAR man and a fireteam leader (E4) in the 6th marines in 44-45. Once they handed it to him he never gave it up because he liked it so well. He used to talk about how he would never completely fill a magazine up, he would only put 16-18 rounds in to save the spring in the magazine itself and keep it from jamming, was this common? What were some of the other habit's adaptations that came from experience in the field and in combat?

thatoneguystephen48 karma

My grandad was an island hopping Marine in the south Pacific. A couple of gold teeth from a dead Japanese solider are among the few items he brought back from the war.

thatoneguystephen5 karma

A good buddy of mine was a Force Recon Marine (from about 99-2005 iirc) and I've always regarded those guys as big, tough sunsabitches. He was a scout sniper and operated in Fallujah during the siege among other places around Iraq and Afghanistan. He told me he met/trained with some SEALs during his time in the Corps and said y'all made Force Recon look like amateurs.