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thatboyfromthehood21 karma

How did you decide where to go first and do you always travel alone?how long do you spend in each place you visit? Last question, how many places did you visit in the 1 year backpacking trip around the world?

thatboyfromthehood5 karma

True, but OP was an economic migrant (as he wrote) so he basically claimed asylum as a loophole is what r/Pac0theTac0 meant.

thatboyfromthehood3 karma

Probably granted asylum/refugee status.

thatboyfromthehood2 karma

As this was your first time traveling, wasn't it quite overwhelming to do so much in so less time. Language barriers, visa issues, etc? How did you manage to do everything so smoothly?

thatboyfromthehood1 karma

He literally said he's from India in the video.