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th3shark34 karma

This is not a question but rather a comment. Life is amazing, and things are meant to be for one reason or another. I am not taking away your responsibility in any way or shape here, but, you will see, that things happened for a reason. Small story in terms of taking on the odds. This is pre-revolutionary Ukraine. My great great uncle just got his first job, running errands for a rich land owner. The land owner trusts my uncle enough to task him to deposit a large sum of money into a bank. While walking to the bank, my uncle decides to gamble the money (crazy choice). He wins, ten times the money he was sent to deposit. He cashes it out, returns to his boss and tells him the story. The boss takes his money away, fires my uncle but allows him to keep the winnings. My uncle decides to start a business, he does so, makes a name of his own. Eventually, the great revolution happens. He turns most of his assets and turns them into jewelry and hides them under a tree. The "reds" come and interrogate him and his wife to find out where all his money went, he didnt break down, his wife kept silent as well. The "reds" let them go. My uncle went and dug up the jewelry and with his wife escaped to western europe. He opened his business there and prospered, until WWII hit. He turned his riches into jewelry again and burried them close to his house. The Nazi came and interrogated him, just like the "reds" did, he didnt say a thing, nether did his wife. The Nazi let them go. My uncle fled and fought in the resistance against the Nazi, surviving against odds (although loosing one of his sons). After WWII was over, he went to where he hid the jewels to start over for the third time. When he found the rough place where he hid the jewels, he found the place in ruins and heavily bombed and never found his jewels. Believe it or not, he returned to the Ukraine and lived there with the remainder of his family. When my grandmother and I were escaping the radioactive effects of Chernobyl, we visited my great great uncle. When I met my great great uncle, he was pass his 90's, he was mostly deaf but still very sound of mind and spirit. Through our conversation he proudly pointed to the wall, and there, inside a frame, almost as new, was an old ruble (currency at the time), it was one of the bills that he was told to deposit but he chose to gamble with. Stay positive! :)