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tetuphenay17 karma

I went to a lecture in London about the VMS and somebody asked this question. I regret I can't recall the lecturer's name, but he pointed out how expensive the paper and binding of a book like Voynich would have been in the 15th c. He said using it for some kind of fakery would be "like burning a Ferrari as a joke." Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't analysis of the handwriting strongly suggest a sort of fluency with the script? As if the author(s) felt comfortable with it in a way you wouldn't with a cypher or some sort of fraudulent writing?

tetuphenay5 karma

Thanks, Governor.

One of the largest expenditures for American cities is child protective services. Children whose parents can not, or choose not to take care of their offspring are at least fed and sheltered, and some cities manage to put them in foster homes. This is massively expensive for taxpayers and entails the state determining who is fit and who isn't to be a parent.

In the past--before the welfare state--this was not a problem. These children became urchins, living on the street and thieving for their food. Private charity did what it could, but anyone familiar with history knows it wasn't much.

How do you feel about the state taking children from their parents when it deems those parents unfit? Should this be one of the powers of the state? One of its expenses? Should private companies have the power to remove these children from their families? That entails many problems.

If neither option is agreeable, what do you say to those children too young to pull themselves up by their bootstraps?

Thanks again for the AMA, sincerely.

tetuphenay2 karma

You can always go with "When players draw their cars..."

I can't stand the sound of pronoun disagreement, but "he or she" gets so ugly after repeated use that I've just started making all generic subjects groups.