Highest Rated Comments

tetshi28 karma

I think most people just want the answers. Nothing worse than something being wrong and not knowing. While the news might be depressing, there is something to be said for the answers. It seems to me the bandaid method might be the best way to do it. Just rip it off, and let them start the healing process.

tetshi14 karma

The problem is a lot of laws prevent this from being a thing. In North Carolina, Time Warner was able to lobby to get a bill passed the made it impossible for cities to run their own fiber networks due to "unfair competition."

tetshi5 karma

Quick google search shows it's a pretty rare thing.

tetshi2 karma

Oh no! Look out! It’s altruism! No one cares about your opinion, to be honest. The fact that this bothers you says so very much.

tetshi2 karma

I bet he could fight TWO walruseseses… Fingers that fast? They wouldn’t even see it happen.