Highest Rated Comments

tenminuteslate69 karma

Doesn't taking into account serious health impacts, birth defects, economic damage, long term fallout issues etc.

You mean things like Asthma, Lung Cancer, Acid Rain, Pea Souper Smogs ... all by products of coal, and none are by-products of nuclear.

I'm sure that the "Bad human health" and "Environmental Degradation" from Coal, Oil, Gas are far higher than nuclear per kwhr.

tenminuteslate29 karma

Which was the best decade and why?

tenminuteslate17 karma

Question : how do you pronounce Lbry?

tenminuteslate5 karma

Don't Only one person at a time should

throw stones in glass houses.

tenminuteslate3 karma

Why are you an extremist if you are pro-nuclear? More than 50% of the electricity in France is created by Nuclear power.

It is extremist to rule something out entirely, with emotive and fallacious arguments.

You argument from PhD non-authority is a logical fallacy for a start.