Highest Rated Comments

tejon89 karma

You only think that because you're streets behind.

tejon11 karma

On a related note, applying the term "zero-dollar" to this topic seems either painfully naive or deliberately disingenuous -- neither of which encourages faith in the message.

tejon6 karma

Worth noting that the the Wikipedia page parent quotes is about the vibrator, which was invented specifically to make this job easier for doctors.

tejon2 karma

I hate to say this but my best guess for stocks would be a Big Corp. like Philip Morris

This is pretty much the answer. Legalization is imminent, and will change the entire landscape in a flash; there may be smaller options afterwards, but you won't know what they are today. I recently wrote a three-part article about the whole situation up here in Humboldt; everyone's terrified of the coming crash. If you're looking to gamble, go to Vegas.

tejon1 karma

Thank you for the candid reply, and I should add that I do agree that the problem you describe is real and damaging.

I can see where you're coming from re: "cost" vs. "dollar," though from my perspective that distinction is somewhere between vague and non-existent; the dollar is simply one measure of cost. Yes, you could well take grassroots action through a volunteer network and raise enough awareness to make a difference; but just as 25.4 millimeters can be translated to an inch value, I think it's perfectly appropriate to translate man-hours and donated materials to a dollar value when describing the cost of such an operation, so to me it could never be called "zero-dollar" even if no green paper is exchanged.

That's just an issue of terminology, and from your reply it seems you're clear on the necessity of at least dedicated labor, so we were really just talking past each other. But you should definitely be aware that many others, and probably a majority of those in policy-making positions, will use my version of "dollar." Tailor your headlines appropriately!