Highest Rated Comments

tegan8r15 karma

Did you need to report to any sort of customs or anything while riding through various countries? Or was it somewhat free reign unless you were pulled over? This sounds like an amazing way to travel man, nice work!!! :-)

tegan8r10 karma

That's actually really cool to know!! Not a bad way to travel at all it seems. Does this mean you could get away with staying as long as you wanted in each country? What was the total duration of your travels?

That's awesome you had support along the way. I feel the universe always provides, even if there's scary moments.

tegan8r8 karma

So you did require a visa for each? Yeah leaving would become difficult but I was picturing just crossing borders and maybe being able to get away with it haha. I'm an Aussie that really hasn't done as much travelling as I'd like to yet. So visas still required, but no need to go through customs like you would at an airport?

That's so sweet though. I think its amazing and the friends you'd meet would be incredible! Who knows, pay it forward perhaps if you get the chance. Where's home for you?

tegan8r1 karma

Ahhhh, okay! That clears it up. Thats still so good though. What was your motivation for doing this?

I would definitely want to be safe wherever I went but wasn't sure if it was a little more relaxed or what the case was :-) if you don't mind me asking, what sort of budget did you have for this? And did you need to do any cash jobs to top up the fund?

Are you selling your book? I'd be interested to read it!!! Thanks for being so responsive BTW :-)

tegan8r1 karma

That's amazing. 10k isn't that bad to see the world in the way you have!! Smart Traveler is very handy, I'm glad we have it.

I'll have a look now :-) honestly a paperback sounds great (I love collecting books) but digital is also good. I'll purchase very soon! Also, 30c seriously?! Thought amazon would make a killing without taking literally 98% of the sale. If paperback is more profitable for you, let me know :-)

I really could imagine that moving would've kept things safer and more consistent. What an awesome journey.