Highest Rated Comments

tchiseen27 karma

So the idea with battle of wits is to make your deck so big that you can't randomize it fully every time you need to shuffle. At competitive level, this leads to lots of draws. Judges can't really do anything about it, AND there's also a rule that says a player can request to have a Judge ensure that a deck is fully randomized, this includes making the judge shuffle the deck.

I've seen three judges helping shuffle some guys Battle of Wits deck at an SCG. That's got to be the ultimate troll.

The only issue is you need to make a 250+ card deck that doesn't just lose to your opponent within 8 turns every game due to inconsistency, which is tricky. Shuffle effects are also KEY to this strategy.

tchiseen17 karma

Just play Battle of Wits

tchiseen11 karma

If everyone did it I bet we'd get to net zero carbon emissions no worries!

tchiseen5 karma

I love this show. It feels like Dexter, except with a sociopath protagonist that is easier to relate to.

Would you say other shows have inspired parts of Mr. Robot? If so, which ones and how!

tchiseen1 karma

Do you ever wonder what it would have been like living in a country like Canada where your family would not have been under any financial burden due to your medical condition?