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taruco64 karma

Hello Kongregate! I am a long-time user of the site, I really really have enjoyed the hours and days of playing games on your website, and I still continue to use it. There's something that I have been wondering for over a year now, and I can actually ask it now!

Because of a lot of flash-like games being published on Steam for 99 cents, I was wondering, even though these games cost money, has it impacted your traffic on the website at all? I know some of the games on Steam also go up on your site and I'm sure you guys still get a lot of users, but have you noticed a decline at all since Steam has decided to add more flash-like games?

That's just something that I've been wondering for quite a while, and thank you for giving me the opportunity to ask it! Also thank you for your amazing website, it has brought me much joy. Including the cute little Kongpanions. I'm also wondering, I guess I have a second question too.. (sorry! heheh)

Do you have a team of artists who work on the Kongpanions or just one or two people? Do you guys spend much time planning them, or do you just churn them out? Also curious if you guys ever worry about running out of ideas for Kongpanions since they come out weekly (This weeks Bat is so cute!) Also, since they come out weekly do you guys ever have trouble meeting the deadline?

Thanks so much for your time, and thank you for your wonderful website! Also thanks for reading if you got this far, sorry for too many questions!

taruco9 karma

Hello. こんばんは。 Well first off, I want to give a huge thank you. Harvest Moon is, and always will be a series that I will hold in my heart.

I have almost every single Harvest Moon game that has been released, and when I first played Harvest Moon, it was a very vivid and memorable moment in my childhood, and I love the countless hours I've spent in each game.

I think my favorite Harvest Moon game is Harvest Moon: Animal Parade for the Wii, but my first Harvest Moon game I played is A Wonderful Life. I rented it at a video store, and not long after, I had played through A Wonderful Life, Another Wonderful Life, Friends of Mineral Town, and More Friends of Mineral town. It was an addiction and I couldn't stop! Afterwards, I would get every HM game on release! So I was very pleased to see you were doing an AMA today! Thank you so much for your hard work, and thank you for doing this AMA!

My question is probably silly, but I have to ask: Out of all the Harvest Moon Games you have worked on, which Bachelorette would you choose as your wife and why? Who will receive the blue feather?! (((o(゚▽゚)o)))

Also which was your favorite game to work on?

Thank you so much, your games have impacted me, and will continue to do so. ありがとうございます。

taruco2 karma

Thank you so much! I also love Nami!! When I saw her on the cover of A Wonderful Life I wanted to give her a blue feather right away!! She is the first character I married in Harvest Moon, and she will always be one of my favorites too! She is very true indeed.

I will certainly enjoy Birthdays the Beginning! Thank you for your time, and thank you for everything! ♡(.◜ω◝.)♡ I look forward to all your creations!