Highest Rated Comments

tarehart14 karma

Hi Felix,

I've been contributing to an open source project for a few years which enables hobbyists to write artificial intelligence for Rocket League. We host tournaments which are similar in spirit to FIRST robotics which is fun, but our participants are generally not getting any credit or support from their academic programs. I've heard of a few doing it as a senior project, but those are the exception.

Do you have any advice on how to be more appealing to educators? We have tutorials and volunteer tech support, but should I also try to create lesson plans? Who at a university would normally find and evaluate such a thing?

I know I missed the main AMA but I hope you still see this. Thanks!

tarehart7 karma

Sure! it's at http://www.rlbot.org/ and https://github.com/RLBot

I've made a few attempts to pitch it but it's been a struggle and I may be going about it the wrong way. I've tried contacting former professors of mine, emailing local schools, and encouraging our community to talk to their own professors. Not getting much traction unfortunately.

tarehart1 karma

Thanks for the thoughtful response Felix! I haven't gone to any conferences, best I did was giving a talk at a local Python interest group. I'll see if there's anything appropriate coming up.

I've also not done a very good job of communicating what kind of advanced projects we could support, my focus has mainly been on the experience for undergrad or younger. I'll see if my PhD friend can help me come up with a list. Thanks again!