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tangentcentric17 karma

I have read that cannabis can help and hurt SWS Slow wave sleep, and the quality of deep restorative sleep, which is an issue for many of us with chronic pain/fibromyalgia. Is there any scientific evidence which supports either position?

tangentcentric5 karma

I get the best relief for pain and sleep problems from edible forms of cannabis. However, if I need to travel outside the country I am forced to resort to THC in pill form (nabilone/cesamet) because obviously I cannot take cannabis across borders. I find that taking nabilone has some very negative side effects--extreme lethargy and extreme cognitive impairment--that last over a longer duration (up to 2 days). Do you know a way of mitigating the negative effects of nabilone? Or is it safer to avoid it altogether (in favor of non-cannabis alternatives) when I do not have access?