Highest Rated Comments

tallestmidget22012 karma

Yea, I didn't really type out my full thoughts on that, I was having trouble articulate... I just find it annoying that they're constantly messing with their cats' identity. I know its just a cat, who knows if they can tell or even give a shit, but it just feels wrong to me that they keep changing their cats names.

Good on them for finding an animal and actually loving it, and not having my parents attitude of "oh we can just fix that later if we like" is really what I'm trying to get across...

tallestmidget22011 karma

Well, what's your dog's name? You can't leave us hanging like that! Every husky I've come across has had a very odd name. Kenai, Varga, Gretta, Aheito...

tallestmidget2209 karma

Nice name, I like it. When my parents got two cats they were already named, but my parents renamed them. Three times....

tallestmidget2208 karma

Well then I'm glad I took the time to type it out. I felt I was being too long winded. Butt fuck Butters, it was worth it.

tallestmidget2201 karma

Do you get to practice spinning the wheel before taping the show?