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takhana3 karma

How peaceful is the protest so far? How do you (generally) feel about those who oppose you (police, army officers)? x

takhana1 karma

Just wanted to say hello! I just graduated from a Psychology BSc and whilst I don't want to carry it on further for various reasons, I love the subject and reading around it, especially mood disorders and the neurology of them.

takhana1 karma

Hats off to you. I always considered becoming a paramedic but anxiety, IBS and crippling travel sickness stopped me (I'm going into Occupational Therapy instead). I think it would be the multiple car pile ups that would get me. Wouldn't be able to do the suicide attempts either...

Are you with South Central then? What do you feel about private ambulance firms? We see a lot in the hospital I work in (community hospital in Bucks) and I always wondered a) what the point was and b) whether or not they're actually, you know, trained.

takhana1 karma

Shit like that makes me consider whether I do want a more hands on medical job, ahha.

Oh man. Aus for recruitment? That's the dream! We lose a high percentage of our nurses to Aus/NZ as the pay and work/life balance is so much better. It's Portugal/Spain/Italy and Phillipines/India for nurses.

takhana1 karma

Oh tell me about it - my main job role is recruiting nurses for my trust so you can probably guess how I feel about cuts! Sorry to hear it's happening to you guys as well; I truly believe the Tory plan is to cut back the NHS so far that the patients suffer and then turn around and go 'We need a better system!' Thus giving them free reign the introduce a privatised health service... I'm such a pessimist :p

Interesting that you say that about private, we're getting slammed for having too many agency workers at the moment as their salaries are about good 40% higher than a nurse of the same experience employed by us. We are told to cut agency spending, we get blasted in the press for going overseas to recruit, we can't recruit in the UK unless you're a massively well funded and well known trust like GOSH... They're not training nurses! And to top it off in three years time all our excellent non EU nurses will be booted because they can't earn enough to meet the new Visa thresholds. The NHS is in such a bloody mess.

And who suffers? The people who need it the most :( I'll get off my soapbox now, haha.

What do you think the most interesting thing you've seen is?