Highest Rated Comments

taavet8 karma

I find it hard to draw a line between work and non work - I only have one life so I share it with everyone. My 18 month old daughter keeps me up at night mostly - last night she punched me in my face multiple times.

taavet6 karma

So, who's your favourite startup to go through Seedcamp?

taavet5 karma

Thanks for the thorough questions. We're committed to supporting all currencies and corridors with the most used payment methods eventually - where the flows are asymmetrical we'll work with partners to help out.

The toughest thing is to earn peoples trust when dealing with their money.

taavet4 karma

The world of money transfer is huge - if you add up classic remittance, first world to first world money transfer, SMB segment, etc this ends up being huuuuge. We think its important to be really good at something so we'll focus on expanding on what we have today - there are so many more source and destination currencies to cover for us. And once we're done with all of that we'll think of other stuff like micro-remittances.

taavet4 karma

We'll continue growing our existing centers (UK, Estonia, etc), but also we will be expanding to where our customers are. When we see lots of customers in developing markets we'll have people there too. Until that we'll be happy to get these people on board - we have 30 nationalities already in the team.