Highest Rated Comments

t_ran_asuarus_rex20 karma

I loved this movie so much as a kid! what was used as the alien? was it added in post production? thanks and hope all is well!

t_ran_asuarus_rex17 karma

how did you poop? did you pack a lunch for flights?

t_ran_asuarus_rex17 karma

so is this when we get to discuss "Rampart"?

t_ran_asuarus_rex3 karma

perfect strangers was a huge part of my childhood. i was sad when i learned mypos did not exist. i would buy you a beer if you ever come out to hawaii!

t_ran_asuarus_rex2 karma

loved your novel "fast sam, cool clyde and stuff" i was in 6th grade when i read it and it is my go to present for any young family member.