Highest Rated Comments

t-bone_malone72 karma

First of all, you're awesome for providing a legitimately helpful and concrete service to a total fucking stranger. You should be proud of yourself. "Make tiny changes".

Secondly, Reggie is dope af and a lot of these paintings are pretty awesome. Are these all available for purchase? And if so, how much? I'd like to purchase but I dunno if I got that fine art $5000 type of money.

t-bone_malone9 karma

Gotcha. So no originals available now but they will be in the future, and they'll be posted to your site?

t-bone_malone8 karma

What if all of our names just mean Dickbutt in their language, we're just too intellectually meager to grasp it.

t-bone_malone5 karma

What's the regrowth time like on an average sized rhino? It seems very silly to me that they would kill a rhino if they knew it could grow back and provide income down the line. But then again, what do I know.