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sylario75 karma

It has a less American vibe than sim city, but C:S is still a 'new city' simulator. Do you think it would be possible to make a city builder through history to allow player to create cities with an historical feel? Would it be too complex to create or not fun enough?

sylario49 karma

Any xkcd easter eggs in wolfram alpha?

sylario8 karma

I used to work in software automation for QA. What are the tools available for QA to automate testing in a 3d map(like the witness island) ? Is it even possible?

sylario8 karma

What are your thought on A/B testing?

Do you agree with mozilla when they think that a lot of tablet/phones apps will be replaced by website/javascript apps?

sylario3 karma

I don't understand? Is it a joke about having no XKCD easter egg?

EDIT : if it is a pun, I never get them, English is not my first language.