Highest Rated Comments

swiftysam140 karma

Okay I can answer this, but keep in mind that this is just popular hearsay and doesn't necessarily make it a certainty.

Apparently, after the first screening of this movie, Chris Farley was so disappointed in this movie that he cried on Bernie Brillstein's shoulder.

He was also so upset that he told his agent he never wanted to do such a movie again because it exploited his manic, physical comedy to the point where it was tired and foolish.

He also refused to do this movie without Chris Rock - as the movie was originally made for Dana Carvey.

swiftysam16 karma

A wild Ent appears from the mystical forest of r/trees. I as well have come to put in my 2 cents.

swiftysam7 karma

  • How'd you clean the money?
  • What kinds of things were you buying for them regularly?
  • What was your rank among your syndicate?

Thanks, really interesting topic.

swiftysam5 karma

No. Rather, it seems like Reddit came with their pitchforks and these guys are nice enough to respond even to the dickheads attempting to force them into a corner.

swiftysam1 karma

Christopher; one of the main characters in The Sopranos, has a smoking hot girlfriend named Adrianna. The actress that played her did an AMA not long ago.