Highest Rated Comments

superstarcrasher6 karma

I said it before and I'll say it again: your music saved my life back in college and it really changed my outlook for the better. This said, I've got two q's:

  1. What's up with all the wooo oooh sections and what are your favorite ones?
  2. I'm wearing one of your shirts right now; what's your favorite design that you've made?

See ya again in Houston!

superstarcrasher1 karma

Oryx and Crake is horrifyingly personal for me to the point sometimes it feels like you timetraveled forward in time to stalk me in my youth. What do you recommend the Snowmen of the world to do in these times?

superstarcrasher0 karma

how much money would you need to make an album-cover style picture of my username?

serious question will pay $$$ when you come to houston.

(limit cannot exceed 35 dollars)