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superdude885103 karma

I'd like to know this as well.

Also, I used to wear Acuvue Oasys contacts and without fail, after two weeks or so my right contact would become blurry. What's the deal with that? The left one would be perfectly fine but the right one developed like this dry-spot right in the center that made everything foggy when you wore it.I have since switched brands and haven't had any issue. Does Acuvue just suck?

Also I've been dying to know, when you guys say "Better 1 or 2?" and they look exactly the same are you just trolling us? And surely there's gotta be a better alternative to the "Cover this eye and read the bottom row." Pride always gets the best of me, even if I could barely see the word I still try to fake it. Nobody likes admitting they can't read the bottom row :[

superdude88517 karma

It was on my right eye as well.

When I told my new optometrist (at Costco!) about my problems with Acuvue, he gave me a few different options to try for a few weeks. I tried both the Biofinity and Air Optix lenses. They both work pretty good but I ended up choosing the Air Optix because they seem sturdier than the Biofinity. The Biofinity seem kinda thin, although on the plus side that makes them stick to your eye more and they may be more comfortable for extended wearing periods.

superdude8854 karma

So the label sought you out themselves? I interned for a bit at UMG and have been trying to find a way back into any label but I haven't even been selected for interviews. I've applied to several jobs on the WMG site without so much as a peep.

I was a marketing major but I'm really fascinated by A&R and other aspects of the business as well. Do you think I should just send out my email to a bunch of indie labels and see if any bite? The online job apps for the majors seem to be a dead end.

superdude8853 karma

Thank you so much!