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superdooperdumper32 karma

I saw you the other day with your son on the front page, at what I believe, was a football game.

What's you blood type? I might be exiting at some point in the coming months, and if it does good for someone...

superdooperdumper6 karma

I love guns, I have been around them all of my life, and have owned several at every point in my life. I carry conceal, as often as is realistically possible- but sometimes it is not practical or legal to carry conceal (certain building as you know.)

Anyhow, one thing that always really bugs me about CCW instructors is simple; you guys (perhaps not you, but I've seen many in action doing these things) have a tendency to over-psych your students. It goes without saying that it is absolutely necessary to illustrate the importance of what a handgun is, what it means when you brandish it and most importantly how to handle it and what it is capable of destroying. No one is debating any of those facts.

But to reiterate, most CCW instructors have a tendency to give passionate speeches, gesticulate far to widely and borderline violently, and place far too much emphasis on "warrior mentalities." Rather than approaching the situation of CCW being the last line of personal defense it really is, students are walking out of courses with a mindset similar to someone being shipped into an active warzone, left clutching their firearm as if it's the only peace maker and protective force around them.

Please, don't get me wrong. I love handguns. They're great tools, efficient weapons, cost effective and in the right hands pretty deadly. But I don't feel enough emphasis is placed on TRAINING in LIVE FIRE, I mean tap/rack/bang drills, reload and unholster maneuvers, ect ect. What's more I've seen a lot of guys with the barebones necessity for training, working out of their basement, milling out 50-100 people a month at $90 a pop in NE Ohio. All of these guys are NRA and state specific lisenced, and the more aggressive ones (warrior mindset) are working from the ICE handbook.

Care to comment on this particular method of teaching and training?

superdooperdumper4 karma

Reasonably well, the feeding mechanisms caused problems when I first got it. Took it to a local gunsmith that had almost no knowledge of the UTS, he filled down some rougher edges in order reduce feed failures. Worked pretty damned well. Part of it is the ammo. Winchester doesn't work, like, at all. Federal is even worse. I like Remington, have had almost no problems with it so far.

Would I buy it again, knowing what I know after having owned it? It's unlikely, but once I got those little hiccups ironed out it's a pretty damned good weapon, and I am comfortable with its reliability now. It being nice and short is great for corners and stairwells in home defense, can make managing recoil...interesting...because the butt tends to kick up and to the right on me during rapid fire. 100% sure that's user error, though; because this is the only bullpup I own and have little professional training on them. You'd think they would be more intuitive, but I'm finding there's an art to it.

Also, the lack of recoil management in close quarters, when you're slinging that much lead tends to take aiming out of the question to a degree. It's more like, pointing than actual aiming.

superdooperdumper3 karma

For primary home invasion firearms, do you advocate handguns, shotguns or rifles?

I realize that every situation differs, and more often than not your average 2nd amendment supporter cannot or is not willing to fork out what will be over $1,000 for a decent semi-auto near mil-spec rifle, or even a few hundred for a good shotgun...but as I mentioned I know several CCW instructors and each one has a generic go-to. One even prefers a combination.

Also, what is your stance on the more...eccentric and higher capacity firearms coming into use for home invasion defense such as the UTS-15 or Kel-Tec KSG. The sound of one 12. gauge popping off in an enclosed space like a house will rattle the nuts of the most hardened criminal, and yet people linger under the delusion that 13/15 rounds of double buck is a necessity- Any words for them?

Oh and here's a for sure hot button for you. How do you feel about the knockout game? ;)

superdooperdumper3 karma

Solid advice, thanks for answering. Hope it helps someone. PS- I keep my UTS loaded with single buck 9 pellet, I could kill several (very covetous) buildings.