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suckthisdeth2 karma

if I ever have a better income and little nestegg I would love to do this.

suckthisdeth1 karma

i'm from wilmington where your dad is still a local hero, i drove by the whitey's restaurant where he used to work everyday for class (they recently tore it down). i also drive by the house he bought your grandma on the beach to go to my surf spot all the time. do you ever, or did you ever, come to stay at that big pink palace and hang out on our beach?

suckthisdeth-11 karma

This reasoning is flawed, as wanting to write about an adult problem is normal. Writing about minors having sex is disturbing and should be talked about with a mental health professional. I like how having books banned for something as controversial as an adult writing about underage sex is almost a form of bragging in the title, speaks volumes to the character and immaturity of the author, which in retrospect makes sense when thinking about the subject material being written.

To answer this addendum question, yes females can be creepy as I implied in my original post. Author is very creepy.

suckthisdeth-11 karma

I'm trying to understand your pedophile to gay man comparison but it was obviously not grounded in any form of reasoning. A more plausible comparison would be a grown man looking or lusting about young kids having sex, I'm an adult male and I would feel disgusted with myself if I ever looked at a teen and started thinking about them having sex. let alone write about it for the audience of young people to read or demented adults.

suckthisdeth-16 karma

If an adult male was writing books about teenagers having sex it would be creepy as shit, because it is creepy as shit.