Highest Rated Comments

stoleacarama130 karma

I'm not from the area.

My activities took place 16-18 years ago, but one of the common factors is that the only cars we ever took were the ones that were unlocked with the keys in them. And a lot of the other points you've made ring true concerning the motivations behind why these kids are taking cars; for fun, peer pressure, etc.

I don't know if your research confirmed it or not, but one common theme among myself and my friends that committed these crimes; we all had little to no parental supervision. Most of us were from single parent homes. We essentially ran the street all day and night. Parents can care and love their kids, but if they aren't good role models too, it doesn't mean anything. Claiming your kids fell in with the wrong crowd is a cop out in my opinion. Sure, I fell in with the wrong kids, but I was only able to do that because I had no one looking out for me in the first place.

A 14 year old knows the literal sense of right and wrong, but without someone to explain consequences and someone to explain how your actions can have an impact on the lives of the people you're affecting, knowing what's right and wrong means nothing. I knew taking someone else's property was wrong. But I had no forethought on how it impacted them. I had no empathy. Without a reason for it being wrong, it didn't matter that it was wrong. The reward for the bad behavior out weighed the consequences.

stoleacarama96 karma

Former child car thief checking in.

Have you guys talked to any older ex-thieves to get more clarifying answers on why kids steal cars?