Highest Rated Comments

still_kickin1790 karma

How proud are you off me bean reaching across borders, age groups and financial strata? Great job sir.

still_kickin17 karma

I've been putting on weight as I'm snacking way too much and stress eating. I live life in a wheelchair and can't exercise which exacerbates my situation.

I know it's not the kind of help you offered, but do you have any suggestions to help?

Thanks a ton.

still_kickin15 karma

Very Jack Cousteau!

What's y'alls budget like? How much does it cost per cap including facilities if any?

still_kickin8 karma

Thanks so much for y'alls time.

I'm am severely and permanently disabled. I have no knowledge of cyber-security, but I'd like to learn. I only have minimal coding knowledge and have forgotten what I learned in applied agents and combinatorics.

  1. Where should i start if I want to take a route (non-institutional) that's bringing me to an intermediate level .

  2. Do I need to be able to type fast, or is that just the Hollywood take on the industry?

  3. How are knowledge and skill separated in your industry?

All the best.

still_kickin6 karma

Promising. I'd very much like to become a tax payer again and this field has so much room to grow.

Could I request a couple more perspectives from your team today, at least one more please.

Thanks again.