Highest Rated Comments

stiick97 karma

This is a sales and marketing dream question. How does OP not swing, when it's on a tee???

stiick43 karma

How much of their anticipation for good news was preempted by Whitaker passing info?

stiick36 karma

Big Mouse fan here... TIL there's a r/modestmouse

stiick29 karma

As a former SIU investigator I would say soft tissue injuries are the hardest to disprove even with a medical peer review. Mechanism for injury is an art and not an absolute science. If anyone is going to attempt to commit insurance fraud, keep in mind that insurance fraud is a felony and not worth getting prosecuted. Even if you get a state jail felony conviction with probation and a fine, your credibility will never recover. An unlike a speeding ticket that expunges over time, your insurance fraud arrest/indictment/conviction will never go away. Insurance fraud is a 20 billion dollar a year business in the us and growing. Dash cams here we come!

stiick27 karma

Onatopp? Onatopp