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starsin1913 karma

This one needs more attention. Too many people in the overall general public have the mindset that "If I have nothing to hide, then I have nothing to fear" in regards to their privacy. This is absolutely 100% false.

I wish I could remember where I read it, but I once read an article that pointed out that there were literally hundreds of laws on the books that people don't know about and are daily violating because they're so small and trivial, and nobody thinks about them as a result. What it boiled down to is that if privacy was lost, then all it would take is some menial excuse to detain, and then ultimately, incarcerate someone based on the accumulation these tiny laws. Granted, there was a lot of tinfoil hat stuff in there, but the idea is pertinent I think.

Edit: I should probably put this in here since I'm blowing up a bit as well. (congrats to /u/DirectlyDisturbed on blowing up and getting gold). I agree with most everybody who has replied or messaged me about this - I think that there are limits to how far privacy should go. Nobody should have absolute, 100% opaque privacy. However, where those limits are, I do not know. I personally believe and am of the opinion that those limits are up to us, as a society to determine. If everybody is okay with, as one person suggested, having cameras in every bedroom to verify that consensual sex happened, then so be it. I was more trying to generate discussion and get people to think about this than I was trying to prove a point or make a statement (seems like it worked). The doomsday examples were just that - doomsday examples. A bit of thought exercising with a tinfoil hat on. I know bits and pieces of history and know sort of how societies and governments have gone from good to bad. Again - mostly my opinion from what I know of history, but the role of privacy has been key in those transitions.

Also, it was pretty cool to hear him read this comment almost verbatim. Anyways, I should probably get back to doing work instead of geeking out. Great comments and replies everybody, honest. I wasn't trying to pick fights with anybody, and if it seems like I did...my bad. Thank you for keeping things civil all! Great discussion and comments from everybody.

starsin188 karma

I really love the title of your book, and the little synopsis really makes me want to read it. Super coincidental too, because I just hosted a banquet where that was the topic by the speakers. I just graduated college, and I was wondering, if you had any advice that you could give to a college student (at any stage of college), what would it be?

starsin42 karma

Beautiful response. Clever and crude enough to be both thought provoking and shocking.

starsin31 karma

Ahh!! Sorry, squealing fan moment.

Solid advice, thank you so much for responding!
So, to someone who may have had a few setbacks in life, you would basically say to them, "Don't worry about rushing to 'catch up' - just get to where you need to be when you get there," right?

starsin2 karma

What are your thoughts on the approach that many religions take when they teach chastity? I remember reading some remarks that you had made about how your own church's teachings we're part of what kept you from running away.