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starkweather44476 karma

Hello, my question is what is the most troubling aspect of Section 1021 for you? Is it the nebulous term "associated forces"?

starkweather44443 karma

Do any of you have real concern that this seemingly organized and deliberate crackdown by the government, including the NDAA, is attempting to cause civil unrest? At OWS there is next to no violence on the part of the protesters, but much on the side of the police. Do you think they want violence and are attempting to draw us out and on their level?

It reminds me of the JFK quote "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

Or is the elite power structure so afraid of any kind of dissent, the only language they understand is the language of violence?

starkweather44441 karma

Mr. Ellsberg I recently read a long piece about the October '67 protest the Yippies conducted to "Levitate The Pentagon", the first big protest of the Vietnam era. You were quoted saying you were in the Pentagon on that Saturday in Robert McNamara's office watching the protest. You said that you had wished they had done it on a weekday and not treated it in such a joking manner, you said it would have been much more effective.

My question is what do you think we as Occupiers and a much younger generation can do more effectively to get people to care about things like the NDAA? What do you think, as someone who was on the inside, concerns the elite power structure the most about our movement? What are the things that don't concern them about our movement?

Thank you.

starkweather44420 karma

A question for everyone. Since all of you are now very public, have any of you experienced surveillance by the state that you know about personally? Or any bullying tactics? I was at the NATO protest in Chicago and spoke during a mic check and have experienced both in the past few months. Frankly, they aren't very good at hiding it, or maybe they want me to know.

At what point do you discount this as mere paranoia or are any of you concerned about your own personal safety?

Do you think the NDAA was designed to deal with dissent domestically and the Al Qaeda component is just a ruse?