Highest Rated Comments

starkistuna3 karma

You should set up a youtube channel and a paypal account, you be surprised how many people will support you if you set up a donate button. There are gamer girls that get thousands of dollars when they want to compete in european lan events , or move in with their boyfriends or gmae full time.

starkistuna2 karma

Dis you have a hard time getting along? What was the worst that one of you did that got him voted off the island?

starkistuna2 karma

There's a scammer in Steam that has been doing this for years, he is a Steam Curator with over 300 reviews and sells reviews keys and login password details to multiple people. Look up Fsgaa Games https://steamcommunity.com/groups/admirolas/discussions/14/1488866813773197851/?ctp=5

He has been banned multiple times but he reopens new account and keeps on trucking.