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stacybeardenart10 karma

I sure am. Born and raised in Louisiana. I wouldn't live anywhere else!

stacybeardenart8 karma

I think just before they published my book, so I'm pretty lucky.

stacybeardenart7 karma

Thanks. The title and most everything I wrote was kept as-is. The art went through multiple revisions. Pelican is a Louisiana based publisher, so the title was perfect for them. I'm really branding this book for Louisiana, and partly because I pitched it to Pelican Publishing who specializes in Louisiana books.

stacybeardenart7 karma

I think this was meant to be, because I looked for a Louisiana publisher, mailed it in, and they asked me to not sign a contract with anyone else until they talked with me first. But as I said above, I was a Louisiana author/artist pitching a Louisiana book to a Louisiana publishing business. It was the first and only publisher I sent the book to, and I realize that is NOT typical.

stacybeardenart6 karma

Mosquitos are plentiful in Louisiana. So much so that we jokingly call them the state bird. The name Boudreaux is a common Cajun name.