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spygentlemen28 karma

Yes it is. It appears to be an American white liberal college term. I find it an incredibly sterile phrase. It's collectivist and dehumanizing.

spygentlemen2 karma

I think its better that Hollywood doesn't try get Asperger's right and just sticks to the basics. Yeah, they could do a better job at the basics but its better not to have people who can't do their own job without a studio head saying "needs more X" try to figure out how this condition affects others.

I'm an autistic screenwriter and I'm going against the grain here, but if you're trying to about autism from autistic characters in an entertainment setting, you're not doing yourself any favors.

I don't think representation matters in this area, because its fantasy. Fantasy is about entertainment, and entertainment is escapism. When I watch something, I want to escape for just a little while. I don't need to be reminded that I'm on the spectrum or that I'm mentally ill.

Give me well written characters who are interesting and carry some weight about them. Autism is not interesting, its not a characteristic, its not a super power, if anything its a curse due to how its a behavioral and communication inhibitor.

I understand everyone thinking that showing this condition in a more positive light helps, but it doesn't. This isn't something that you can over come with positive thinking or trying harder, doesn't get better when you meet "the one", its a constant clueless, neurotic, anxious, depressing load on the mind. Its just how it is.

What does help is treating people who have it the same as everyone else. Don't treat us better, or walk on eggshells around us, just fuck around with us the same you would with anyone else. Yeah, it might not sound like anything special to you, but that does more than a character on a TV show properly stimming when they get anxious.

spygentlemen2 karma

Do you ever feel like a parasite for clipping other peoples work or vids and compiling it into content for your channel?