Highest Rated Comments

spidersenses31 karma

I know people say it's bullshit, but I think it does help. Try luminosity the free trial, doesn't make you smarter but you work out the brain. Read a lot of novels 10 min in your head 10 out loud. Exercise at least 25 mins a day, and socialize the most you can with different people, better if you don't even know them, you have to do a lot of abstract thinking to get to know them. Take up a hobby, painting, writing, anything artistic, and finally meditate. Finally think before you act, double check yourself, before acting. Never act on impulse. With all this you're trying you rewire your brain and create more efficient and stronger sinapsis. Be patient. Good luck dude. Medical student here and also suffered a tbi.

spidersenses7 karma

Not so unhealthy if you had a tbi.