Highest Rated Comments

spicytacoo56 karma

What? How did I not know this already?

Have fun. Don't die. Wear a helmet.

spicytacoo34 karma

Oh my god yes. I do think OP kinda got the short end of the stick in that the punishment seems severe, but you can't just assume someones age. If a woman looks 18 she could easily only be 15.

If someone sold alcohol to a an underaged youth we'd all be pissed if their excuse was that they looked of age.

I think the truth is probably that OP didn't care. Maybe didn't even think of it, and that just seems so irresponsible.

spicytacoo17 karma


spicytacoo12 karma

I was often mistaken for older when I was underaged, and I didn't even wear makeup, so I can sort of understand, but it's a shit excuse. If you can't even ask someone how old they are you shouldn't be having sex.

spicytacoo11 karma

Wow. That was a tough read.

What was up with William? The first article briefly mentions that he's disabled and/or unable to care for himself. It said that was part of the reason they didn't want to adopt a child with such problems. But then it's not really mentioned again and he even helps with Dani. I also wonder why he hasn't seen his dad or sister in so long. That's really sad too. He seemed close to Daniel, like he was a pretty important part of her life.