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spectrum76869 karma

Uhmm, you can't just say Zebra and not elaborate!

spectrum7686 karma

I don't know about the food part. Most defectors who come back go into shock when they see so much food in South Korea. They get really angry at that.

spectrum7685 karma

The people who defect are most often from the capital. It takes some money and a lot of food/cigarettes to bribe the right people to get you into China and that can't be done by the countryside people.

spectrum7683 karma

i just have to say, my brothers name is Mike Mariano, we are in no way related to the Mike Mariano who is taking over Raising Hope (unfortunately) but everytime i would see his name in the credits of Raising Hope i would giggle, im taking a picture of this now and sending it to him

spectrum7683 karma

ASVAB is a percentile test so the best you can do is a 99, however there are individual line tests which exceed 100. You would need a GT (one of the line scores) over 110 to qualify for the Rangers. You can't join the Army and go straight to Ranger School, you'd have to join regularly and go through Basic Training and the AIT for a specific job. If you score high enough i would go for a 15W (UAV operator) or a 35 series (Intelligence) because those are a couple of the more sought out MOSes that the Rangers recruit from. If you qualify while in AIT than you will get sent to Ft. Benning, GA for Pre-RASP, RASP, Airborne School, and then you will move on to your unit. Passing these things will not guarantee you entrance to the 75th Rangers as they only pick from the best of the graduating class. You could move on to a regular old unit with only a little tab on your shoulder to show for it. You will be able to say you are a Ranger for life though. Edit: Source- I am in the Army and have been through Airborne school, meeting a lot of RASP graduates along the way. Also I am in the Intelligence field and a Ranger came to our School House to invite us to qualify physically for pre-RASP.