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sparklepopper7 karma

Kidnapped, wandering, or repeatedly surrendered?

sparklepopper5 karma

I know risky lending is a thing but god damn it doesn't take a genius to realize you would have almost no way to pay that back. Don't banks require you to show your current assets and liabilities and projected income and verify that you are good for it?

School loans don't, otherwise they'd be really difficult to get. (Try getting a credit card at age 19.) School loans are also bankruptcy-proof, so they have your whole life to get it back.

sparklepopper4 karma

How does Ojibwe culture deal with being gay? IIRC the Lakota are quite religious and conservative (Pine Ridge was asked to host an abortion clinic in response to regulation elsewhere in the state, but declined because many of them are the result of rape) and I know the Inuit are also pretty Catholic. Is this a Native-American thing or just the few groups I know of?

sparklepopper3 karma

That doesn't mean they'll give it to you though. Source: actually filled out the applications, sent them in, got declined.

sparklepopper3 karma

Did you have an amazing job or a parental co-signer or ... ? Was the house in the Ozarks?