Highest Rated Comments

soulteepee123 karma

I'm 53 and going blind (macular degeneration). I'm really pretty scared about it. My main enjoyment in life has always been observing things - animals, birds, plants. I am/was an artist, but mostly gave it up when my eyes began getting bad.

One thing that has really helped me is my phone. I can take pictures of things I can't see properly and zoom waaay in. I also take tons of pictures when I travel so I can see all the things I missed the first time.

Are you able to do this? Its really helped me.

edit: I think I replied to the wrong person...I meant to reply to OP.

soulteepee83 karma

I'm a 50 year old American and I am ashamed I have never heard of this tragedy. You are a brave and admirable woman and I thank you for teaching me.

soulteepee50 karma

I'll admit it - I'm seriously addicted to it. And the theme song is absurdly catchy.

Your American accent seems very pronounced. Is that intentional?

soulteepee8 karma

My god, you poor thing. Your face healed beautifully. How are you doing now?

soulteepee4 karma

What is your stance on the recent speculation that lead contained in paints, mini-blinds, etc contributed to the high incidence of crime in the 70s and 80s?