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sonovel8 karma

In practice, the executives will all spend their time in meetings and will have their own private conference rooms. The egalitarianism is an illusion in that case

My main example would be Intel where everyone just had a cubicle, but the higher ups spent much of their time in conference rooms that only they and their admins could schedule.

sonovel3 karma

How do you control for the Hawthorne effect when looking to see what makes people most productive over long terms?

(I personally hate hate hate the idea of an open office with hotelling. I'm old enough to have worked in a sea of desks, or at least their 80s analogue, so it's not just me being reactionary.)

sonovel2 karma

My 10 yo son says you make the best games.

sonovel2 karma

I think that isn't as strong a right as you think. People have been stranded before by being placed on no-fly lists.