Highest Rated Comments

sonnackrm63 karma

I've gambled since I was legal to do so. I've continually lost money upwards of $10,000. I've even thought of quitting my well paying job so I can deal to satiate my appetite. How did you break the cycle of gambling?

sonnackrm5 karma

I’m a Technical Operations Manager for ATC in the US. I’ve been looking to move to the UK for some time now. Any advice on how to apply for technical based ATC jobs?

sonnackrm1 karma

Has your falcon ever killed someone's pet? Do you ever feed it people food? What's your opinion on light beer?

sonnackrm1 karma

IP Man and IP Man 2 are movies about a Chinese Wing Chun fighter during the Japanese occupation who brought hope to the people and tried to protect them from the Japanese as much as possible. I believe he also fled to Hong Kong. Don't suppose she ever heard of him?

sonnackrm1 karma

What do you do with all the gold you procure? Sell it as is or do you melt it into bars? Are you paid the spot price of gold? I bet you're loving that gold prices have increased as of late.