Highest Rated Comments

sodakanne22 karma

Did your insurance cover any of your testing or procedure? How much did it cost you out of pocket?

sodakanne19 karma

Wow, that's incredible! I never would have guessed. I am now significantly more likely to donate like you did! Thanks for spreading the word!

sodakanne3 karma

Oh separate question - I have pets but I’m also just a curious person about dog and cat behavior/neurology stuff. Do you have any book recommendations for laypeople in this category?

sodakanne1 karma

I live in a medium sized town in the middle of the country. What should I expect in terms of how COVID-19 will affect my area? There are confirmed cases in my county, but I'm not sure if I should be significantly less worried than someone living nearer a coast or if I should be just as worried as someone living in a more populated area.

sodakanne1 karma

I have a cat who is about 2. We adopted him at 8ish weeks old from a neighbor whose outdoor kitty got pregnant. As far as we know he has never been starved (neighbor took car of mama kitty and kittens inside for a while) and his litter was only 4, including him, and he was not the runt. The issue his this: he is good OBSESSED. He will break into drawers and cabinets to get to rice, potatoes, apples, boxes of crackers, you name it. He yowls ferociously when we feed him and dives right into his food, sometimes before I’ve finished pouring it. He tries to eat my other cat’s special diet food as well as dog food so we lock him in the laundry room during animal feeding time. The vet says he’s a healthy weight and there are no other indicators that anything is wrong with him, he just likes food. Any ideas what the heck is going on here?