Highest Rated Comments

snertwith2ls53 karma

Do you think this sort of thing happens with any frequency in other Amish communities? And is the normal reaction to not involve any outside authorities and just resort to shunning? Is there any other procedure abuse victims can resort to? Also thank you for exposing this stuff, as depressing as it is, I think it's better to get it out in the open.

snertwith2ls19 karma

Wow, heartbreaking and eye opening. It sounds like the instances may be higher than in an "English" community but I wonder if that's really true. I think a lot of abuse just doesn't get reported no matter what the community. Thanks for your reply and your AMA, I'm really sort of shocked, I think of Amish society as mild and old fashioned and peaceful. I never really considered that there would be this kind of thing going on let alone that it might be fairly common.

snertwith2ls11 karma

What are some of your favorite memories of each country that you've lived in?

snertwith2ls3 karma

Lots of fiber, not just probiotics. I read somewhere, sorry no source, that folks who ate lots of fiber had a better gut bacteria count than folks who just supplemented with probiotics.

snertwith2ls2 karma

Any chance of being able to apply any of your work to tinnitus?