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smilingator5 karma

I just left my mom (she lives 700 miles away), who has stage 4 stomach cancer. She has lost 60 pounds in the past 6 months and I’m pretty sure they are going to stop chemo because she is too frail. I can’t get over how shrunken she is… like literally 4 inches shorter than she was. I’m pretty sure she will die soon… and I want her to. She sleeps all day, can’t eat, and can barely get out of bed to use the bathroom. She used to bounce around the house cleaning and organizing all day. The glow, the light, the life she radiated has dimmed. I feel bad for wanting her suffering to end because it sounds like I’ll be glad she is dead. But I’d rather be without her than for her to continue to go through this. I guess I needed to get all that out. Thank you for doing this. I’m sure it’s helping a lot of us.